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Polynucleotides Treatments


Introducing PhilArt, a revolutionary anti-ageing treatment, crafted from polymerized polynucleotide-based gel. This cutting-edge solution is designed to harness the power of nature, stimulating the skin’s innate restorative capabilities to enhance vital components and combat the signs of ageing. Experience the magic of PhilArt as it naturally treats and elevates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while revitalizing skin elasticity, overall health, and radiance. Embrace a new era of skincare with PhilArt – where science and nature unite to unveil your youthful brilliance.


1 Area


2 Areas


3 Areas


Additional Areas i.e Bunny Lines, Upper Lip, Chin



Polynucleotides, derived from nucleotides, which serve as the fundamental units of DNA and RNA, are natural compounds. These bioactive substances exhibit impressive regenerative properties, rendering them a perfect remedy for addressing periorbital skin issues. Upon injection, polynucleotides operate at a cellular level, prompting collagen synthesis, enhancing skin elasticity, and fostering the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Improved Skin Elasticity
  • Reduction of Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags
  • Hydration and Nourishment
  • Faster Healing and Recovery
  • PhilArt (Neck, Forehead, Hands, Scars, Acne Scarring
  • PhilArt Hair (Hair, Eyebrows)
  • PhilArt Next (Mature and dehydrated skin – face, layout of middle third, scars, acne scars)
  • Frown lines between the brows
  • Horizontal  forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines on the nose
  • Lip area and corners of the mouth usually in conjunction with Dermal Fillers
The procedure only takes about 10 to 15 minutes. The area to be treated is marked out on your skin and, then using an extremely fine needle, the product is administered. Most people liken the sensation to having a hair plucked out. A full consultation and pre wrinkle treatment photographs are always taken.
Your skin may be slightly red around the injected area immediately after the procedure and, occasionally, slight bruising can occur but can generally be camouflaged with make-up the day after.
You will be given full post Botox treatment instructions to follow. It is especially important that, for four to six hours after treatment, you do not rub or massage the area, that you avoid strenuous exercise, hot baths, showers or saunas, do not lie flat and avoid alcohol.
Results may be noticeable within days but it often takes 2-3 weeks for the maximum results to be seen.


The effects vary greatly from person to person depending on lifestyle factors. if clients have been unwell, exercise a lot are going through a stressful time this can effect how long treatments last, but generally last about months 3-4 months.


You can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment. Exercise should be avoided for 24 hours after the treatment, and the area should not be massaged for 24 hours. It is safe to fly after the treatment although we generally recommend that you wait 48 hours before flying long haul.


Anti wrinkle injections is best at treating dynamic facial lines i.e. those caused by facial muscular activity. This treatment does not improve wrinkles due to ageing and sun-damage which are unrelated to facial muscle activity.  Facial muscles that are larger (such as in men) or which are used by facially ‘expressive’ clients may require more frequent treatments. After several treatments the effects may last longer.


While anti wrinkle injections has been safely used by millions of patients, it is recommended that pregnant or breast feeding women or patients suffering from severe neuromuscular disorders, Bell’s palsy or blood coagulation disorders, we do not recommend you have this treatment.


Drug interactions can occur when anti wrinkle injections such as botox are used  concomitantly with other medications. You must ensure that your practitioner is aware of any medications you are taking, especially aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin), aspirin, anti-inflammatories, Gingko Biloba and St John’s Wort.


Botox® has been used for over 20 years to treat facial wrinkles and its safety and efficacy has been shown in many clinical trials. In addition there have been no long term side effects reported from the use of Botox®. However, whilst uncommon, temporary adverse effects may arise from the treatment. Occasionally a small bruise may occur at the injection site – this can be covered with make-up. In very rare circumstances patients may experience heaviness or descent of the eyebrow or eyelid which may last a few weeks. Prior to your treatment the doctor will assess your risk of this event and therefore adjust your treatment accordingly.


Unfortunately, Botox® treatment from one clinic may not be exactly what you get at another. Even though Botulinum Toxin A (Botox®, Azzalure, Bocouture etc botox is a single patient use and all practitioners pay the same so always remember there is reasons why some treatments are cheaper than others so practitioners who follow the law cannot do at these cut prices.


  • Small area of redness at treatment site lasting 2-3 hours (common)
  • Bruising / swelling of treatment area (less common)
  • Dull heavy sensation +/- occasional headache (less common)
  • Ptosis (droop) of eyebrow or eyelid (rare)
  •  Gently exercise the treatment areas by frowning, smiling, squinting and lifting the eyebrows occasionally – this will optimise your result
  • DO NOT rub or massage the treatment areas – this may increase the risk of complications by spreading the product
  • AVOID alcohol, aspirin and ibuprofen for 24 hours which can increase the risk of bruising and swelling
  • AVOID lying flat or bending down excessively
  • AVOID very strenuous physical activity
Botox® has been used for over 20 years to treat facial wrinkles and its safety and efficacy has been shown in many clinical trials. In addition there have been no long term side effects reported from the use of Botox®. However, whilst uncommon, temporary adverse effects may arise from the treatment. Occasionally a small bruise may occur at the injection site – this can be covered with make-up. In very rare circumstances patients may experience heaviness or descent of the eyebrow or eyelid which may last a few weeks. Prior to your treatment the doctor will assess your risk of this event and therefore adjust your treatment accordingly.